
We envision a church that exemplifies authentic community.  We believe life change occurs most effectively within meaningful relationships.  Therefore, we as a family of flawed individuals, will engage one another in real relationships that are characterized by acceptance, love, forgiveness and accountability.


We envision a church where Biblical preaching and teaching is both doctrinally sound and practically relevant.  We believe life change occurs when an individual is confronted with the truth of God’s Word, believes that truth by faith and applies that truth to everyday living.


We envision a church where God is glorified through Spirit-filled worship. We believe this worship to take place in the life of every individual believer on a daily basis and corporately as we gather on a regular basis.  Our worship as it relates to our corporate singing will be characterized by a variety of styles and methods, but all with an attitude of celebration, thanksgiving and reflection.


We envision a church where every believer is involved in ministry. We believe that there are no spectators in the body of Christ, but that all have been engifted for the purpose of ministering to the rest of the church family.  Sacrificial service to one another will characterize all that we do.


We envision a church where sacrificial love and generosity is demonstrated.  We will be a church that goes above and beyond in our giving to God’s work in and through our church.   We believe the church is responsible for caring for one another in time of need and we desire to use our resources to meet the needs of our church family.  This practical outflow of love will extend to the needy in our community and around the world as opportunities arise.


We envision a church of strong, healthy marriages and families.  We believe that the homes of believers should reflect their devotion to Jesus Christ and make a difference in a world of broken relationships.  Our church will be a refuge for those who have experienced brokenness in their homes and lives.


We envision a church that is passionately involved in local and global missions.  We will look for opportunities to reach out to our community with the love of Christ through sharing the gospel, service projects and being involved with Biblically-sound ministry organizations.  We will actively pursue domestic and foreign mission trips as financial and human resources permit.  We will seek to train and send missionaries from our body.


We envision a church that experiences the power of God through prayer.  We believe that God desires to do the supernatural and that all we do should be done in the power of the Holy Spirit.  To that end we will see prayer as our first response not our last resort.


We envision a church that is welcoming and inviting to guests.  We will implement various strategies that make our church an inviting place that is physically, emotionally and spiritually a “safe place” for guests to attend.


We envision a church where diversity is not only welcomed, but desired.  We pray for the day when our church body is a melting pot of all ages, backgrounds and ethnic groups.


We envision a church where simplicity promotes effectiveness.  We will continually evaluate the effectiveness of ministries so that we may eliminate that which is not effectively accomplishing the mission.  In other words, we will do less with the intent of accomplishing more.


We envision a church where innovative methods and creativity enable us to communicate the unchanging message of the Bible to a radically changing culture.  We will constantly look for new methods without compromising the message.


We envision a larger, updated facility that will accommodate our growth and be a resource for our community.  We see in the future a youth facility that will be a center for community activities and a resource for outreach to teens.